



About the Product

Spirulina is a unique one-celled form of blue-green algae. It is known as a Superfood because of its unique ability to blend with high-quality concentrated food more efficiently than any other algae. More importantly, Spirulina is 65 to 71 percent absolute protein, with all essential amino acids in perfect balance, that is 20 times more protein than soybeans and 200 times more than beef. Spirulina is known to be the most digestible protein food. For the past 20 years, millions of people have benefitted from it as a safe food supplement

Vestige Spirulina also provides high concentrations of many other nutrients - amino acids, chelated minerals, pigmentations, rhamnose sugars (complex natural plant sugars), trace elements, enzymes - that are in an easily absorbable form.Vestige Spirulina contains 3 vitamins, 3 minerals, natural pigments including beta carotene(25 times higher than carrots), while its nutritional value is 4 times more than cow's milk.

Benefits of Vestige Spirulina 

§  It is rich in beta carotene that can overcome eye problems caused by Vitamin A deficiency
§  Is beneficial for those who wish to lose weight as it contains a large amount of protein, required for muscle building
§  Boosts immunity in both adults and children alike
§  Contains antioxidants, is an anti-viral agent, and helps lower cholesterol levels
§  Has been found to have significant positive effects on people suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus as it has the ability to reduce the fasting blood sugar levels in the body after 6 to 8 weeks of intake
§  Spirulina has long been established to have cancer fighting ingredients as it helps boost the immune system.
§  Spirulina has been seen to reverse the signs of aging.  

Types of Vitamin
Deficiency may lead to
Other Nutrient Sources
12 Capsules Vestige Spirulina
Beta Carotene (Pro-Vitamin A)
Acne, eczema, dermatitis, infections
56 Glasses of Cow's milk or 550 Apples
2 mg
Low immunity, muscle pain, weak memory, heart diseases, acne, eczema etc.
20 Green chillies or 6 Sardines
0.24 mg
Retarded growth, eczema, vision impairment, cataract, insomnia, rough & dry skin, stomatitis etc.
420 Grapes or 47 Strawberries
0.24 mg
Dermatitis & hypersensivity of nerves
8 Lemons
.02 mg
Heart diseases, dermatitis & hypersensivity of nerves
90 g of Bread
43.2 mg
Anaemia, fatigue, post menstrual syndrome, ageing
240 g of Cottage cheese
7.2 mg
Hypertensions, cardiovascular diseases, fatigue & ageing
6 pieces of Chicken or 14 glasses of Cow's milk
0.72 mg
Spirulina Improvement Actions
Fever, sleeplessness at night
Spirulina contains 68% protein and other rich nutrients which promote body metabolism to release body heat and hence increase body temperature.
Black, green excreta
Spirulina helps eliminate accumulated residues in the colon. It the excreta remains green in colour after a period of time, this is due to the green pigments of Spirulina.
Sleepy, tired hands and legs
Symptoms of acidic body condition, liver malfunction, over exhaustion or consumption of too much medicine previously
Dizzy, lethargic, constant hunger pangs
If consumed by those suffering fom hypoglycaemia or anaemia, there may be a drop in the blood sugar level to bum excessive fat.
Nausea, diarrhoea, constipation, hiccups
Symptoms of a poor digestive system, gastroptosis, hepatitis, gastric hyperacidity.
Pimples, itchiness, red spots, sweating and smelly urine
Results of detoxification in the body, symptoms of a poor liver function or allergies in the body.
Increase in body weight
After oxidation of body fat, underweight people may experience an increase in their muscle mass while overweight people may experience an increase in their body fluid(edema).These are symptoms of weak kidneys.
Temporary irregular menstruation
The body is adjusting the problem of hormonal imbalance.
Slight edema(swelling of areas due to an increase in bodily fluid) of face and legs
Symptoms of weak kidneys
No reaction
Healthy body condition or full recovery from illness.

Vestige Spirulina may be helpful in

Acne, eczema, dermatitis, low immunity, muscle pain, weak memory, slow growth, vision impairment, insomnia, cardiovascular diseases, anaemia, fatigue, premenstrual syndrome, menstrual cramping, respiratory problems, diabetes, inflammation, water retention and fatigued muscles.

Important Information

Dosage: One capsule twice a day after meals
Advisory: Vestige Spirulina is a health supplement and not a medicine. Please do not stop the intake of any medicine that you might be consuming.

Dr.k.k.janardhanan spirulina from Tóth Lajos - DXN Europe Kft.

Spirulina the super food benefits and side effects

Spirulina an introduction
Spirulina a miracle plant that can nourish our body by providing most of the protein we need for our survival. It was being ignored since 1950, but now it has been emerging as the super food of the era.
Spirulina is a simple, one celled organism that springs from warm, fresh water bodies in the form blue-green algae. It has spring like physical characteristic.
Spirulina has been named from the Latin word “Helix” or “Spiral”. The Scientific name of Spirulina is “ARTHROSPIRAL PLATENSIS” and it belongs to cyanobacteria family.
Spirulina is considered super food
Spirulina is considered as the super good because of following reasons:-
·         Because it contains the most remarkable concentration of nutrients known in any food, plant, grain or herb.
·         It’s the highest protein food over 60% all digestible vegetable protein.
·         It has the highest concentration of beta carotene, vitamin B-12, iron and trace minerals and the rare essential fatty acid, GLA.
·         It has cleansing chlorophyll which helps detoxify our bodies of ever present pollution.
·         Spirulina reduces serum LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) and raises HDL (High Density Lipoprotein).
·         A useful supplement for cardiovascular health.
·         It suppresses bad bacteria like e-coli and Candida yeast.
·         Spirulina increases antioxidant protection and reduces cancer risks.

Spirulina the green blood
Spirulina has one of the nature's highest levels (about 1%) Chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is known for cleansing and detoxification. It's some time called green blood because it looks like the blood hemoglobin molecule. Blood has iron at its core, giving it a red color, and chlorophyll has magnesium, making it green.

Spirulina the safe algae
Spirulina is unique among blue-green algae because it has a long history of safe use. The Aztecs consumed spirulina in Mexico. Over five centuries ago.
Indigenous people consume spirulina grown in African Lakes today.For the past 20 years, millions of people around the world have enjoyed spirulina, as a safe food supplement.
In fact, the United Nations and the World Health Organization recommend spirulina as safe and nutritious food supplement or children.
Some wild blue-green algae may be toxic. Just like mushrooms and plants some kinds of algae are toxic.
Health Benefits of Spirulina
Spirulina has several health benefits. 11 major health benefits of them are mentioned below: -
Spirulina is useful supplement for cardiovascular health and for lowering cholesterol. It reduces serum LDL and raises serum HDL.
It improves the heart artery function for lower blood pressure.
The amino acids present in Spirulina inhances cardiovascular health and the gamma linolein helps in lowering the cholestrol.

Spirulina balance and strengthen our immune system
Even small amounts of spirulina can help balance and stabilize the immune system, freeing up more of our metabolic energy for vitality, healing and assimilation of nutrients.
Scientific research and the experience of thousands of people indicate that Spirulina is an immune regulating food.

Beta carotine present to fight cancer
Free radical molecules damage our body's cells. They are caused by pollution, poor diet, stress and injury. Antioxidant nutrients fight these dhangerous oxidizing free radicals.
The beta carotine present in Spirulina increases antioxidant protection and reduces high risk of cancer researchers have found that just gram a day of spirulina lesions 44% of mouth cancer of male tobaco chewers .
Harvard university has also studied a spirulina extract to reverse oral cancer tumers patients in hamster.

Protect against infection
When people take spirulina they often notice immediate change in regularity and elimination. Research confirms it does promote digestion and bowel function.
Spirulina suppresses bad bacteria like e-coli and Candida yeast and stimulates beneficial flora like lactobacillus and bifidobacteria.
It helps to protect against infection.

Best detoxifier
Spirulina has power to enhance natural cleansing and detoxification.

Reduction of kidney nephro-toxicity
Spirulina reduces kidney nephro-toxicity from heavy metals and drugs

Spirulina reduces cancer risk
Spirulina reduces cancer risk with better antioxidant production.
It enhances the body's cellur communication process and its ability to repair DNA. Scientists have discovered that spirulina enhances the ability to generate new blood cells.

Control sugar
Spirulina has positive effect on diabeties. It boosts immune system and balances insuline to control diabeties.

Reduction of obesity
Spirulina has power to reduce obesity if 9 grams of it is taken a day for 4 weeks.

Controls heart disease and premenstrual stress
Spirulina contains GLA. The natural sources of GLA are mother's milk, Oil extracts of evening primrose, blackcurrant and borage seeds.
Spirulina is a potent source, and astonishing 1% by weight. The deficiency of GLA needs to heart disease. Obviously the consumption fulfills the deficiency of GLA.

Controls HIV
The National Cancer Institute found sulfolipids in blue-green algae were 'remarkable active' against the AIDS virus in Vitro.
Spirulina contains 5-8% lipids, and 40% of these are glycolipids and sulfolipids.
These compounds seem to prevent viruses from either attaching to or penetrating cells, preventing viral infection.

Potential adverse reactions of spirulina consumption
In several testimonials’ and research it has been found that there is no side effects of the consumption of spirulina but some potential adverse reactions have been noted: -
·         Slight fever
·         Green stool
·         Excessive gas passing out
·         Restlessness
·         Sleepiness
·         During clone cleansing process the temporary Itchy skin may be seen.
·         Spiruline-The Super Food (Presence of 60% digestible vegetable protein)
·         The safe blue-green algae
·         Prevents AIDS
·         Regulates cardiovascular health
·         Rich with rare essential fatty acid GLA
·         Boosta immune system

Spirulina- the miraculous super food
As we studied above that in spite of the knowledge of Spirulina from 1950's it has been neglected. But suddenly after the research and testimonials have made the fact clear that Spirulina has been emerging as the super supplement.
There are several wellness companies around the world have started to promote their Spirulina products in the form of capsule, powder and cakes.

Use Spirulina for HIV/AIDS